Bauer College of Business
University of Houston
Welcome Students.
This site is intended for students enrolled in Jake Messinger’s University of Houston MIS classes, 4477 and 4397.
The site is here for us to communicate with each other, not just for me to communicate with the students. Participation on this website is MANDATORY and you WILL be graded on it.
I encourage all of you to start conversations with each other regarding the work and topics we are covering in our classes.
The first thing you need to do is sign up for an account to “blog” here on this site.
You also need to go “like” my facebook pages for your class:
MIS 4397 Open Systems (the LAMP Stack)
MIS 4477 Networking Infrastructure and Security (Datacomm)
Check back here later on (and often) for updates, events and information regarding your classes.
Jake Messinger
Office: 280L MH